Saturday 10 February 2018

Cheese is not for vegetarians

I've always been rather squeamish. Put it this way, "Freddie Starr ate my hamster" is not one of my favourite headlines, and I don't want to know what Ozzie Osbourne does to bats. (Yes, I know there's a Youtube video of the latter event, and I shan't be watching it.)

So I probably won't be heading to Wuerchwitz with its cheese mite memorial.

I don't have a problem with cheese mites. They're the little beasts that make the fantastic lunar surface of a good Mimolette. And I love my Mimolette - the older, the better.

But with Mimolette, the cheese mites are long gone. They've done their work. With the Milbenkaese they make in Wuerchwitz, the cheese mites are still there, and you eat them along with the cheese.

It's already somewhat disgusting that the colour of the cheese's outside is made by mixing milk proteins with the digestive juices of the cheese mite. Basically, you're eating vomit. But the idea of actually eating a sentient being.... nope. I really don't want to go there.

Still, it could be worse. It could be casu marzu....